
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

download Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

download Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0
Website developer tool


Macromedia Dreamweaver is one of the wonderful web-design programs  . It helps you to develop professional websites and its user-friendly interface, tools and features have made it the must-have package for web designers.

Dreamweaver uses both Cascading Style Sheets  and Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and it has good code-editing support features that will help you to write the CSS and HTML. Alongside writing the code, you can use the visual layout tools to build your sites and make them look exceptional.

You can use plug-ins to place videos, music and other media into web pages. If you want a site that is easy to update, then you can embed a live stream of content by using RSS.

purpose: Dreamweaver 8 is easy to use and has many  new features. It helps you to use CSS and RSS to make your sites look better than ever.

  Some users have reported a problem with the file-time stamp in Dreamweaver 8, which made it difficult to know when a file was last worked on. This was fixed with the 8.0.1 update though.

Conclusion: Using Macromedia Dreamweaver to create websites is much more fun than simply writing code from start to finish. Using its many tools and features will help you to create much more sophisticated pages too. Being able to add media and RSS feeds will make your sites stand out from more ‘flat’ ones that just provide a few words and pictures.

 Click Here For download